Lilypond scores

This is a small list of lilypond scores. I'm not a composer so pretty much all of this is a transcription of someone elses work. My contributions to these works are licensed under CC0.

CC0 To the extent possible under law, Johann Galle has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from: Germany.

Title or Description Lilypond code rendered PDF rendered MIDI
All Star but it's a Bach chorale following the conventions of the Common Practice Period Lilypond PDF MIDI
Alexander Tikhonovich Gretchaninov — Op. 133: Andrusha's Album / лекса́ндр Ти́хонович Гречани́нов — Альбом Андрюши Lilypond PDF There are separate pieces:
  1. Old Childrens Song
  2. Little Dreamer
  3. Naughty Girl
  4. Little Elegant
  5. The Dance of the Gold Fishes
  6. The Mountebank
  7. Gallant Cavalier
  8. My Little Dog Joujou
  9. Invitation to a Walk
  10. Children's Dance